Unique insights to track the economy in real time

We design innovative and intelligent indicators to track the economy. Our products are focused on the systematic integration of alternative and traditional data to deliver economic indicators able to track economic conditions in real-time and at higher frequency than conventional measurements.

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Our Mission

SquareMacro aims to fill the current gaps in traditional economic analytics, delivering faster, more accurate, and single high-frequency indicators tracking the evolution of economic conditions in real-time.

Our Approach

SquareMacro research and product development is focused on the systematic integration of traditional and alternative data to power intelligent measurement of the economy in real-time at an aggregate and localized level.

Our Partners

We provide unique real-time economic analytics and insights to investors, non-investors, decision makers, including corporations and government agencies at any levels.

SquareMacro provides unique insights to track the economy in real time

At SquareMacro we combine thousands of traditional and alternative economic data into high-frequency indicators tracking the evolution of economic conditions in real-time.

Find out what we can help you achieve

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Target Audience
  • Researchers, Strategists & Economists
  • Discretionary and Systematic Asset Managers
  • Consultants and Financial Advisers
  • Corporate Strategists, Business Managers and Treasures
  • Local and National Policy Makers
  • Smart City Teams
Featured On
  • Financial Times
  • Risk.net
  • Journal of Financial Economics
who we are

Our team

SquareMacro was founded by an experienced and interdisciplinary team of investment and technology experts in machine-learning and econometrics from both industry and academia.